December is already here – and soon 2017 will be here too. I love this time of year – and it’s not just because Christmas is my favorite celebration, but also because I love a retrospective! Some days ago, Buzzfeed posted a list of the 20 top Instagram spots in the world in 2016. And, to my surprise, New York is the leader city with 6 locations listed! I took the opportunity to show these places on today’s post – and to link related blog and channel content!
Empire State Building appears in position 19 on the list (almost last). I don’t know if Instagram was considering the observatory at the top, or the building itself. Since BuzzFeed used a photo taken from the observatory, I preferred to do the same. The Empire State is a classic that is memorable for many people because of famous movies. The building has 102 floors and for 40 years was considered one of the tallest buildings in the world. Particularly, it is not my favorite observatory. I don’t think that the view is cool. In this post here, I did a comparison between it and Top of the Rock, and I highly suggest the reading.
MET – Metropolitan Museum – is in position 18. I’m not the biggest fan of museums, but I can’t deny the importance of MET. The collection is incredible – it is one of the most visited museums on the planet – and I know people who have been there countless times and still didn’t see everything. In addition, the external architecture is wonderful – not to mention the iconic stairs that have appeared in so many episodes of Gossip Girl. Do you want to know more about MET and other museums? Check here a guide to visit several museums for free and here’s part 2 of the guide. Do not forget that MET has a seasonal rooftop – learn more here.
In position 13, we have the Madison Square Garden. Located in one of the busiest areas of Manhattan (34th st and Seventh Avenue), the place is not only for sports competitions – like basketball – but also stage for concerts of several singers and bands worldwide. Big concerts usually take place there. Do you want to watch a show during your stay here? Be sure to check out the tips here.
At position 9: Brooklyn Bridge. Crossing this bridge is one of the most classic things to do in New York and it’s something I don’t get tired repeating. Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world – and the first one built to link Manhattan to Brooklyn, with almost two kilometers of extension. It was inaugurated in 1883 – 13 years after the beginning of its construction. Today, on average, 120,000 vehicles cross Brooklyn Bridge every day, plus 4,000 pedestrians and 2,600 cyclists. If you are planning to do this tour, I recommend clicking here and check out a post and video with all the tips.
In position 4, the tourists favorite: Times Square. Known as the corner of the world, this region is famous for the luminous signs, connected 24 hours a day. It is also there that are located the theaters where the Broadway plays take place. Times Square is also an area full of hotels – the vast majority of people coming to the city for the first time prefer to stay there. Also, there are big chain stores and also many restaurants (chains, which I particularly do not recommend, but that is my opinion, of course). Do you want to know more about Times Square? Click here and check out my video on the spot. Do you to know more about Broadway tickets? Check out the tips of this post.
Central Park is the third of the list! It is the refuge of the New Yorkers, an oasis in the middle of Manhattan. This park also attracts thousands of people every day, either is warm or freezing, and has also been the setting for countless movies and series. Monuments, lakes, restaurants: Central Park is huge (runs from 59th St to 110th St). Every season, the park has a different charm. It’s amazing to keep up with the changing vegetation over the months. Do you want to have a taste? Click here to check out a vlog in Central Park during the summer and here to check out the park after a blizzard.
Did you like this post? What did you think about the places? Check out the complete list with the 20 top Instagram spots in the world in 2016.

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.