All though the focus here on the blog is New York, but I also like to talk about trips – I already split some of my scripts for other cities and countries here on the blog. And today, let’s talk about Paris! The French capital is charming and is also super visited by tourists as well as New York. Even if you do not know the city, you probably saw its photographic potential. Everything there is very inspiring. And I’m super in favor of returning from a trip not only with the memories of memory, gifts and souvenirs, but also beautiful photographs.
So today, I want introduce you Flânerie Photographie, from my sister Meiry Peruch, who lives in Paris for two years now and without any lie, she’s amazing as a photographer! She’s there doing his PhD and taking the opportunity to invest in this hobby she loves. To give you an idea of her work, see some pics…
When I was in Paris, in July 2015 – you can check my post about it here – I received numerous compliments about the pictures. So if you have a trip scheduled to the French capital and if you want to return with great memory, just contact Meiry. There are several package options, mixing famous spots – and super photogenic. For more information – and to check out more pictures – just click here. And if you say that you are my blog reader, you have a special discount: 5% off for one hour and 10% off for more than one our.
Ah, a curiosity! ‘Flânerie’, the name she chose for your business, refers to ‘flaneur’, a term coined by the French poet Charles Baudelaire to refer to the artist’s independent spirit, observer, walking aimlessly enjoying the city – ie ‘ loitering ‘. Being always out of his house, the flâneur feel the world it as his own home. Cool huh?

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.