Brazil only has samba, beaches and women. In France, people do not bathe. Portuguese are donkeys. Stereotypes of countries and their populations are common. There are even stereotypes and myths about cities. And New York is no different: there are many things being said about…
What do you think about Americans? What Americans think about Brazilians? Kyle is back! In this video, he and I chatted about some of the perceptions that exist between Brazilians and Americans. Those classic stereotypes, even guesses, you know? Yeah.
Almost every circumstance of life has a stereotype or those classic questions or generalized thoughts (or we might say boring? Inconvenient?). You just have to remember when you were 16 and people would ask: and your boyfriends (or girlfriends?). The,, you get a relationship and people ask you…
This time of year is the most special to me. I Love Christmas in such intense way that is hard to explain - I think I like more than my own birthday! I always look forward to the date, love hearing those songs , love…
I love to write about New York lifestyle. As a Brazilian, I always see the cultural differences between living here and living in Brazil. Day after day, I can tell that the routine, the behavior, whatever, a lot of things, are different. And there is…
I love to read and write about moments that I'm going through. Now, it's about living abroad. You know, from time to time, I share my thoughts here - just click to read some of my texts. And, occasionally, I share another interesting texts on Fan Page's…
To finish the second season of "How did I get in NY", I decided to bring together a video errors and scenes that rolled during the recordings of the interviews. I don't know about you, but I love this kind of video! Press play, it is fun!