Um dos maiores mitos em relação à alimentação em Nova York é de que as opções da cidade se resumem a fast food, como burger e pizza. Bem, se você é leitor do blog, sabe que isso é mentira – e eu mesma mostro sempre opções diferenciadas para comer na cidade. Seja seu orçamento alto ou apertado, a cidade é, literalmente, um prato cheio no quesito gastronomia. E, para quem gosta de balancear as refeições com opções saudáveis, hoje trago mais 5 opções de restaurantes com essa proposta. Aliás, se você quiser conferir mais ideias de restaurantes saudáveis, é só clicar aqui e conferir meu primeiro post sobre o assunto.
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Poke delivery on the way 💥 #eatpretty
Uma publicação compartilhada por Broken Coconut (@broken.coconut) em
1. Broken Coconut – located in the NYU area, near Washington Square Park, this restaurant has a super cute space and a menu full of healthy options such as salads, bowls and poke (trending right now, with raw fish sliced withshoyu sauces and accompaniments). Portions are super well served and prices start at $11. In addition, there are breakfast options such as oats, eggs, and toast, as well as açaí (these options start at $ 8). Broken Coconut opens until 10pm!
Address: 15 E 4th St.
2. Made Nice – have you heard about Eleven Madison? It was voted the best restaurant in the world and is located here in New York. Their tasting menu is not affordable, but the good news is that the same team behind Eleven Madison opened Made Nice, a casual restaurant focused on fast and healthy food. The menu is seasonal and usually changes according to the season’s ingredients, but expect to find options of salads ($9), sandwiches ($11) and plates ($11). Salads are a mix of leaves and vegetables, with the option of adding extra protein. The dishes have options with chicken and also vegetarian. But if I can give you an unhealthy tip: try the Milk & Honey ice cream! Wonderful ($6).
Address: 8 West 28th St.
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No 🐠 needed when you have 🥭🥑 #vegansushi
Uma publicação compartilhada por Beyond Sushi (@beyondsushinyc) em
3. Beyond Sushi – I always heard good things about this place. It’s a chain that offers a healthy and fresh approach to vegan and vegetarian sushi
Locations: 229 E 14th St / 75 9th Ave (Chelsea Market) / 62 W 56th St. / 134 W 37th St. / City Acres Market – 70 Pine St. / 215 Mulberry Street.
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The perfect kit 🤤💚 #joeandthejuice 📸 by @yvrairport
Uma publicação compartilhada por THE OFFICIAL JOE & THE JUICE (@joeandthejuice) em
4. Joe & the Juice – chain focused on juices/smoothies and shakes, with ingredients that form a healthy mix, being a great option for breakfast or snack (from $6). In addition, another strong point of the menu is the sandwiches ($8), delicious! There are options with turkey breast, chicken, tuna and also vegetarian. The Tunacado, with avocado, tuna, and pesto, is simply sensational!
Locations: 20 locations in Manhattan! Check out!
5. Honeybrains – The Honeybrains menu was created after reviewing the science related to food and the human brain. eople who regularly eat five delicious food groups (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and foods high in Omega 3s)(the “HB Five Food Groups”) with healthful garnishings (herbs, spices, fermented foods and pure sweeteners from nature) feel good and have energy, with stronger hearts and brains for life. These foods are good for us because they contain essential nutrients. That’s why they form the foundation of the Honeybrains menu. Options include toasts (starting at $6), bowls (starting at $11), sandwiches (starting at $8), salads (starting at $11). Besides that, the restaurant is huge, cute and is located in a super nice area in Soho.
Address: 372 Lafayette Street.

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.