If you read my blog – and you follow me on Instagram (laura_peruchi) – you probably already realized that I am a korean beauty lover, right? I’ve written some posts about it and also recorded some videos – one about skincare trends and another one about makeup trends. And, since korean beauty brands are huge now in New York City, I think it would be great if I share with you some suggestions of cosmetics that you should buy here!
Sheet Masks & Hydrogel Masks – korean women love maks! Something that for us is a special care, for them is part of the daily routine. Sheet Masks are something normal and common. With a texture that seems like a thin textile, these masks have formulas that provides differents benefits: moisturizing, brightening… Another interesting mask is the hydrogel type. Like the name suggests, they are hydrogel basis, and allow your skin to absorbs more from the mask.
Suggestion: Club Clio has always good deals on Sheet Masks and a great selection of Hydrogel masks – Address: 11 W 14th St. Nature Republic offers Sheet Masks super cheap – hands and foot versions too- Address: 12 E 14th St.
Cushion – another strong korean beauty trend. The thing about cushion is the design. The product – that can be foundation, BB Cream or CC Cream – is poured into a compact, and topped with a sponge. Every time you press down on the springy sponge (the “cushion”) with the included makeup sponge, the liquid formula is released. It provides a great coverage and a natural finish.
Suggestion: Kill Cover, from Clio, is amazing! Excelent coverage! Address: 11 W 14th St
Double Cleansing System – this cleansing skin system is wonderful. While we just use a cleanser gel, they use two products for this function. First step is using a product with oil – Oil cleanser or a Sherbet cleanser. These products are great to remove makeup. Then, they use a cleansing foam. The result is a super clean skin – which is essential for absorbing well the formulas tha will be applied later.
Suggestion: Sephora carries Too Cool for School products, a great option for a foam cleanser.
Sleeping Masks – this products, that should be you last skincare step, is a moisturizing boost. Besides the name, it’s a super rich formula cream, not stick, quick absorption, that works as a mask, providing vitality, brightness, hydration. You don’t need to worry about your pillow! It is not a mandatory product – but keep in mind that sleeping mask can provides great benefits to the skin, especially the dry types. Is great to use the product 2 to 3 times per week. Or, if you want to use every day, it’s nice to switch between 2-3 types of sleeping masks. I`ve written more about Sleeping masks here.
Suggestion: Dr G sleeping mask is a miracle for your skin, I promise. Available at Club Clio – Address: 11 W 14th St. Another great sleeping mask is Banana Sleeping, from Tony Moly – Address: 35 W 32nd St.
BB Cream – ok, I know that this products is not new for you, probably. But, knowing that it was created in Corea, I think it would be more than fair that you buy one from there, right? BB Cream is perfect for a natural coverage and sunscreen protection.
Suggestion: BB Cream from Missha is a world best seller! Coverage is amazing and it is SPS 42. Available at Missha – Address: 136-20 Roosevelt Ave

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.