One thing that I always say here on the blog and also on my YouTube channel is that New York is not just about Manhattan. And crossing the Brooklyn Bridge is just one of the many programs that include a place off the island! After all, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island and Queens are also part of the city. Today, I bring five really cool programs outside Manhattan – or out of the center of the island – which can be part of your script.
Reopened three months ago after 45 years, High Bridge connects Washington Heights (Manhattan) to Bronx. It is the oldest bridge of the city and with a renovation, his crossing promises to be another cool program to do in New York, with bonus: exploring new regions. Several special programs are also happening at the place an you can visit nycgovparks.org to check the schedule! By October, for example, there is an exhibition of sculptures.
Address: 172nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue – use 4 or 5 trains.
Address: 172nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue – use 4 or 5 trains.
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Uma publicação compartilhada por Flushing Meadows Corona Park (@coronapark) em
Located in Queens, Corona Park welcome tennis players and audiences worldwide every year for US Open. But the park is more than tennis stadiums. There is the monument Unisphere – too beautiful and a symbol of the park. It is the fourth largest city park and has lots of green area, zoo, lake and playgrounds.
Use 7 trains to get there.
The museum and gardens The Cloisters are a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe. It was assembled from architectural, national and religious elements, which largely date back to the fifteenth century. In addition to local architecture , the collection includes about two thousand pieces of art.
Adress: 99 Margaret Corbin Drive – Fort Tryon Park – use A train.
A lot of people hear about Brooklyn Botanical Garden – which is really beautiful. But Bronx also has a botanical garden, the New York Botanical Garden, too beautiful, that deserves to be included in your script. I’ve done post and video here on the blog about this place. With over 1000 square kilometers, the place is home to over a millionof species. Obviously it’s a nice program for the spring, but the place is also beautiful in the fall.
Address: 2900 Southern Blvd – use 4 train.
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Uma publicação compartilhada por Socrates Sculpture Park (@socratespark) em
Located in Queens, Socrates Sculpture Park features several sculptures and was built atop an old landfill and illegal dumpsite. The place offers temporary exhibitions and annual events like bicycle parade. In the summer, people can also check live artistic performances such as theater and opera recitals pieces. Like a bonys, you have a view to Manhattan and more: admission is free.
Address: 32-01 Vernon Boulevard – Long Island City -use N train.

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.