We’ve been watching a trend around the world: people are changing their values about lifestyle. During the last couple of years, the number of organic products have grown exponentially and more people started to practice physical activities as part of their daily routine. There is also a clear concern about the origin of every product that we use. People are now choosing to live in the most natural way possible. It’s not a surprise that this new lifestyle also includes a concern with cosmetic products. That’s why we are seeing so many new brands in the market, with different proposes, like vegan and organic formulas.
I’ve been to Indie Beauty Expo for Behind the Scenes NYC, that took place in New York a while ago. IBE’S mission is to provide a platform to recognize, showcase and celebrate independent beauty, wellness and lifestyle brands. Indie brands are among the fastest growing product categories.
Click here to read the article in English.
Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.